Reconstructing an Army or Air Force WWI, WWII, & Korean War military history can cost $400-$1400 with other research companies but with several researchers checking record collections at National Archive locations in Washington DC (Archives I), College Park, Maryland (Archives II), and St. Louis, Twisted Twigs Genealogy can offer our clients top notch research and record retrieval with a 100 page guarantee for a flat $150 fee (broken up into two payments – $75 to place your order & a $75 completion payment when your veteran’s reconstruction is ready to be delivered.

Most mini-reconstructions (especially if the file was affected by or destroyed in the 1973 NARA fire) will take an average of 4 months. We request your veteran’s file in person in St. Louis and pull regimental morning reports and rosters microfilms before digging into record collections at Archives II in College Park, Maryland.

Some record collections we’ll check

  • Burial Records (WWI) & Individual Death Personnel Files (WWII)

  • Company Orders

  • Accident Reports

  • Missing Air Crew Reports

  • Unit Histories

  • Company Histories

  • After Action Reports

  • Muster Rolls

  • Medical Reports

  • Unit Journals

  • Award Records

  • Morning Reports

  • Company Rosters

Submit a $75 retainer today to hold your slot. Pay the remaining $75 when your file is ready.

After placing your order – Please submit your Veteran’s information using the following form:

Submit Your WWI/WWII/Korean War Veteran’s Information