“The National Archives said my veteran’s military records were lost in the 1973 Fire” is a common refrain we’ve heard from clients year after year. It’s ok … many family history researchers seeking a military ancestor’s Army or Air Force service record were given that boilerplate response after a long wait. There is still hope!
NARA and the NPRC started a vast restoration project nearly a decade ago on documents recovered from the 1973 fire. Masses of burnt documents have been sitting in storage waiting for a time when technological advances and budget availability allowed for preservation work to begin. At the same time archivists are working to sort through existing documents, frequently finding misfiled paperwork. Records that were thought to be completely lost in the fire are turning up every day.

In one instance, we had an epic bit of luck illustrated by the two copies of the DD-214 document shown above. Our client had requested her ancestor’s records directly from NARA several years ago; she was given only his final pay voucher and told that the rest of the records were destroyed. When we requested the file more recently, we retrieved his restored “fire kissed” file (70+ pages) that contained portions of his Air Force training paperwork, medical records, enlistment documents, and his 32 page service record book.
After the restoration, the file contained both the partially burnt DD-214 copy that was in her ancestor’s original file plus a readable full copy of the same form that had been provided to another researcher decades ago and then temporarily lost.
Our ‘Mini-Reconstruction’ was a great way to work around those destroyed and partially burnt files, but we knew we could improve on it. We listened to client feedback and focused in on the information our clients find most valuable, and the result is our ‘Reconstruction Overview Package’ – an affordable (150 page minimum) collection of specific records that illuminate your Veteran’s war experience and provides opportunities for further investigation.
Let’s say your ancestor’s file is among the thousands of files still awaiting restoration. When Twisted Twigs requests to view the file, NARA conducts an internal search for a ‘B-File’, or burn file. If anything has been located the preservation department will ‘fast track’ it for on-site viewing and it will be presented along with any other documents on hand. New files are turning up all the time as preservation work continues.
With our Mini-Reconstruction and Overview package, we start with the OMPF whether it’s a complete burn file or a final paystub only and go to work checking the rest of the selected record collections. We move through the record groups in a widening circle to bring your veteran’s experience to light. We have also started using rosters & morning reports for some of our veterans when our clients request them and for veterans that remained in the US during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War.
The Twisted Twigs team sharpened our skills at digging genealogical gold out of unlikely places during our work on all those ‘Mini-Reconstructions’, and we believe that has translated perfectly into our ‘Reconstruction Overview’. Below is a letter from a client’s great uncle (shared with permission) to the 313st Infantry asking about his brother who was fighting in France – it was found in the Unit Diaries. Sadly, so was the response he received.

For one client we were able to locate 11 documents of his great uncle fighting with his great aunt in company records and this request to return to Detroit to file for a divorce.
It was granted and then the soldier went AWOL with his wife.

We might even get lucky with a unit history “yearbook” that contains a photo of your ancestor or his company group photo!

We also understand tight budgets, so we price our record retrievals to be ultra affordable to all levels of researchers.
To celebrate Twisted Twigs Genealogy being back to pre-pandemic operations (HOORAY!), we are un-retiring our OMPF Mini-Reconstruction, which in 2024 includes a 100 page minimum page count and is slightly more affordable than our Reconstruction Overview Package.
Our Mini-Reconstruction also offers the onsite researcher a small head start to researching their ancestor military service which includes a helpful list of records collections our clients might like to focus on for future National Archive research.
Single OMPF retrievals are priced on a sliding scale based on the final page count – no more risk of paying a premium price for a file with only one page. Our Mini Reconstruction package & Reconstruction Overview Package provide a discounted package deal designed to cover the major highlights of your veteran’s service time.
Twisted Twigs Genealogy believes that you can tell your own veteran’s story better than anyone else if you have the right records in your hands – we can provide those records. For many, taking research trips to College Park, Maryland and St. Louis, Missouri to discover their ancestor’s remaining military records is not an option. It’s part of our mission to help fellow family historians learn how to research and understand military records on their own from the comfort of home – because it’s the fun of the hunt that keeps us all going, right?
We also understand tight budgets, so we price our record retrievals to be ultra affordable to all levels of researchers.
$20 OMPF Retrieval Special
- One for Army/Air Corps
- One for Navy & Marines (files not affected by the fire)
- Sliding scale retrieval fee
- $20 Deposit to place order
- If photo negative in OMPF – $5 charge to cover NARA’s photo fee
- If a service number is not given and we cannot locate one, $5 charge to cover NARA’s VA master Index copying fee
- No more than $75 total
- $150 per Army/Air Force Veteran
- $75 Deposit to place order
- $75 Completion Payment when file is ready for delivery
- At least 100 pages including remaining OMPF
- Fresh out of 2018 retirement!!
- Perfect reconstruction for researchers that would like a bit of a head start before visiting a National Archive or researching on your own.
Reconstruction Overview
- $250 per Army/Air Force Veteran
- $125 Deposit to place order
- $125 Completion Payment when file is ready for delivery
- All Morning Reports included from enlistment to discharge (not included in page count)
- Plus least 150 pages including remaining OMPF